
福岡県知事登録 旅行業 第3-990号

K-iTG株式会社(K-iTGトラベル)は、一般社団法人 九州通訳・翻訳者・ガイド協会(K-iTG)グループの訪日外国人のお客様中心のサービスをご提供する旅行会社です。

2023年4月、一般社団法人 九州通訳・翻訳者・ガイド協会の子会社として設立され、インバウンド全般の旅行商品を取り扱っています。長いコロナ禍を経て急激にインバウンドが回復してきた今、団体旅行、個人旅行のみならず、国際学術会議、国際スポーツイベント、MICEなどの多様なシーンにおいて新しい旅行手配等のニーズが生まれました。今私どもは欧州・米国・豪州・アジアなど世界の数多くの国からの訪日旅行を取り扱う旅行事業を行っております。





  • 通訳ガイド、通訳者、翻訳者の手配
  • 旅行プランの企画・催行
  • 各種チケット手配
  • シンポジウム、セミナーなどの撮影配信・動画制作
  • インカムなど機材のレンタル事業
  • 観光コンテンツ開発、受入環境整備などの地方創生支援などのコンサルティングサービス
  • MICEの誘致・運営サポート、PCO業務全般
  • 海外旅行代理店等との交渉、営業サポート
  • ホームページやガイドマップ制作(多言語)
  • 動画撮影およびZoomなどでの配信事業
  • 機材などレンタル及び中古品販売など。

K-iTG travel

K-iTG Co., Ltd. (K-iTG Travel) is a travel agency of the Kyushu Association of Interpreters, Translators and Guides (K-iTG) group that provides services centered on foreign visitors to Japan.

Established in April 2023 as a subsidiary of the K-iTG, we handle general inbound travel products. Now that the number of inbound tourists has recovered rapidly after the long period of Covid-19, the need for new travel arrangements has emerged not only for group and individual travel, but also for various scenes such as international academic conferences, international sporting events, and MICE. Currently, we are in the travel business that handles visits to Japan from many countries around the world, including Europe, the United States, Australia, and Asia.

Professional staff trained through the association’s training and development projects provide transport, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, land operator work that arranges multilingual guides including English, and various services mainly in Kyushu for local governments and travel agencies. Our main business is to propose attractive tours. Qualification training for tour conductors is conducted in-house, and it is also possible to acquire qualifications. Most guides are qualified as tour conductors.

Please leave all travel arrangements such as accommodation with an interpreter guide, transportation, meal arrangements, town walks, and cultural experience tours. We will make full use of the experience, knowledge, and connections we have cultivated in our group.

In addition, we are engaged in various other businesses, such as interpreting and translation at conferences and events, filming and online distribution services for seminars and events, and consulting.
Please feel free to contact us for any trivial requests.

Our main projects are as follows.

Arrangement of licensed guide interpreters, interpreters, and translators
Planning and execution of travel plans
Arrangement of various types of tickets
Filming and video production of symposiums, seminars, etc.
Rental of equipment such as intercoms
Consulting services such as support for regional development, including development of tourism content and improvement of host environments
Support for attracting MICE
Negotiations with overseas travel agencies and sales support
Creation of websites and guide maps (in multiple languages)
Video recording and distribution via Zoom, etc.
Equipment rental and used equipment sales, etc.


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